West Texas A&M University
Instructor of Record
​Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course based on the comprehensive life cycle of emergency management in the U.S., focusing on the varying phases of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Create a syllabus, assignments, exams, and grade all work.
Average enrollment=30
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course focusing on applied statistics and data management in the public sector and the social sciences. Create a syllabus, assignments, exames, and grade all work
Average enrollment=35
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course based on the historical development of American cities and the current structure and functions of municipal government. Create syllabus, assignments, exams, and grade all work.
Average enrollment=50​
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course on the sociological examination of emergency management and the vulnerability of various populations regarding social, economic, political, geographical, and cultural factors. Create syllabus and assignments, and grade all work.
Average enrollment=30
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach the capstone course to help students bring learning experiences in the Emergency Management Administration Program together to address real-life issues and problems through a major research project. Create syllabus and assignments, grade all work, and work with each student on their research projects.
Average enrollment=20
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course providing a basic understanding of nonprofit organizations and management and their important roles in society. Create syllabus and assignments, grade all work, and work with each student on their research projects.
Average enrollment=35
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course to help students, who mostly are firefighters and police officers, learn the basic concepts and skills of statistical analytics. Create syllabus, assignments, grade all the assignments and exams.
Average enrollment=30
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course to help doctoral students in Educational Leadership understand the steps of emergency planning and response. Create syllabus, assignments, grade all work, and work with each students on their research paper.
Average enrollment=15
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course based on the comparative perspective of political science and international relations. Create syllabus, assignments, exams, and grade all work.
Average enrollment= 14
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course to help graduate students in Master of Public Administration understand the foundational concepts and debates in the field of public administration. Create syllabus and assignments, grade all work, and work with each student on their research paper.
Average enrollment=15
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course to help graduate students in Master of Public Administration understand nonprofit and voluntary organization management in rural communities, including governance, planning, evaluation, volunteer, and financial management. Create syllabus and assignments, grade all work, and work with each student on their research paper.
Average enrollment=7

University of Nebraska at Omaha
Instructor of Record
PA 3500 Nonprofit Organizations and Management
(Summer 2019 Online, Fall 2019 Online; Spring 2020 In-Person; Summer 2020 Online)
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course based on the principles and theories of nonprofit organizations and management including governance, planning, evaluation, volunteer, and financial management. Create a syllabus, assignments, quizzes, exams, and grade all work. Average enrollment=25.
CMST 3130 Business and Professional Communication Principles and Skills for Leadership
(Spring 2020, in-person; Summer 2020, Online)
Responsibilities: Give lectures on topics of verbal and nonverbal communication, diverse workplace and communication. Assisted in creating assignments, quizzes, and exams, and grading students’ work. Average enrollment=16
CMST 1110 Public Speaking Fundamentals
(Fall 2019 in-person)
Responsibilities: Give lectures on topics of methods of delivery, nonverbal and verbal communication. Assisted in creating assignments, quizzes, and exams, and grading students’ work. Average enrollment=19
EMGT 2050 Political and Legal Foundation in Emergency Services
(Spring 2019 Online)
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course based on the principles and theories of the legal aspects and social consequences of emergency management provision, environmental issues and occupational health and safety policy and programs affecting emergency services. Communicated with students and graded assignments. Average enrollment=23.
EMGT 1000 Introduction to Emergency Management
(Spring 2019 Online)
Responsibilities: Prepare and teach a course based on the four phases of emergency management including mitigation, preparedness, response, and recover, and the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management System and their influence on modern community emergency management and homeland security. Communicated with students, managed online discussions, and graded assignments. Average enrollment=24.
Teaching Assistant
EMGT 2500 Disasters and Vulnerable Populations
(Spring 2018, Fall 2018)
Responsibilities: Give two lectures on topics of how vulnerable groups such as children, elderly, racial and ethnic minorities, and low income, are affected and cope before, during and after hazardous events. Assist in creating assignments, quizzes, and exams, and grading students’ work. Average enrollment=27
CMST 4570 Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
(Fall 2018)
Responsibilities: Give two lectures on topics of legal frameworks and regulations related to intercultural business communication. Assist in creating assignments, quizzes, and exams, and grading students’ work. Average enrollment=16
JMC 4040/860 - Social Media Measurement and Management
(Fall 2017)
Responsibilities: Give two lectures on topics of social media use by public organizations and nonprofit organizations and the social media system in China. Assist in creating assignments, quizzes, and exams, and grading students’ work. Average enrollment=20