Publications in English
Xie, M. & Chao, C. (Eds.) (2023). Mobile communication in Asian society and culture: Continuity and changes across private, public, and organizational spheres. Routledge.
Baldwin, J., Gonzalez, A., Brock, N., Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2023). Intercultural communication for everyday life (2nd edition). Wiley Blackwell.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Xie, M., & Chen, L. (2024). Turning every disaster into an opportunity: An exploratory study on refugees’ perceived emergency management capacity and disaster resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Online first. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104727
Orton, C., & Xie, M. (2024). The effects of burnout/compassion fatigue on emergency management professionals. Illinois Municipal Policy Journal.
Zhang, Y., Chen, L., & Xie, M. (2024). Exploring NPOs' content and moral values in gun-related issues on Twitter: Using a computational approach. Internet Research. Online fist. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-11-2022-0909
Chao, C., & Xie, M. (2024). I am in the homeless home or I am always on the way home: Formatting identity and transcultural adaptation through ethnic and host communication. Journal of Transcultural Communication. Online first.
Xie, M., & Eikenberry, A. (2024). Social enterprise and democracy in China: The case of environmental nonprofit organizations. in B. Williams & B. Boots (Eds.). De Gruyter handbook of social entrepreneurship (pp. 409-432). De Gruyter.
Xie, M. (2024). Neoliberal discourses in environmental justice: Case studies of environmental nonprofit organizations in China. In M. Roseanne, T. Coule, & A. Eikenberry. (Eds.). Handbook of critical perspectives on nonprofit organizing and voluntary action: Concepts, applications, and future directions (pp. 449-465). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Xie, M. (2024). The platformation and transformation of the digital public sphere: An introduction. Communication and the Public, 9(1), 31-35.
Xie, M., & Chen, L. (2023). Make hay while the sun shines: How community organizations cultivate refugees' social capital and disaster resilience. Journal of Health and Human Service Administration, 45(4), 266-293.
Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2023). Dialogue about syllabus for research methods education in journalism and communication: A contract, a communication device, a plan, or a cognitive map? Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication, 13(1), 14-28.
Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2023). The discourse of nationalist identity in Hong Kong: Examining media coverage on Carrie Lam's Leadership. In H. Cheng & H. S. Yueh. (Eds.). Resistance in the era of nationalism: (Per)Forming identities in Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp. 195-218). Michigan State University Press. (Top Paper Award in Chinese Communication Studies at the 107th NCA Annual Conference)
Chao, C., & Xie, M. (2023). Balancing academic mothers and academic scholars: Gender imbalances in service loads in academic institutions. In V. McDermott, A. R. May, T. H. Housel, E. Knotts, S. M. Munz, & L. H. Hernandez (Eds.). On the front lines: Women educators' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic (pp. 91-114). Lexington Books.
Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2022). The interplay of subjective well-being, social support, and social media use by Asian international students in the U.S. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 59.
Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2022). Race and cultural taboo: Refugee’s disaster vulnerability and resilience. In G. Luurs. (Ed). Handbook of research on communication strategies for taboo topics (pp. 104-125). IGI Global.
Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2022). Digital feminism: Social media portrayal of housewives and “蕾神之锤” in Chinese society. China Media Research 18(1), 102-114.
Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2022). Social media as mechanism for accountability: Cases of China's Environmental Civil Society. In E. Ngwainmbi (Ed.), Dismantling cultural borders through social media and digital communications: How networked communities compromise identity (pp. 45-69). Palgrave Macmillan.
Xie, M., & Chao, C. (2021). Online accountability disclosure: Social media use by environmental nonprofit organizations in China. In U. Bakan & L. M. Lengel.(Eds.). Social media archaeology: From theory to practice (pp.113-131). Macro World Publishing.
Xie, M. (2021). Social credit system and self-censorship in China. In B. E. Johansen & A. Akande (Eds.), Nationalism: Past as a paralogue (pp.257-280). Nova Science.
Xie, M. (2020). Leadership perceptions of social media use by small-to-medium-sized nonprofits. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 10(4).
Xie, M., & Pang, M. (2019). Gender and career development in nonprofit organizations: Comparative study of female leadership in China, South Africa, and the U.S. In C. Chao & L. Ha (Eds.), Asian women leadership: A cross-national and cross-sector comparison (pp. 159-172). Routledge.
Xie, M., & Pang, M. (2018). A cross-cultural examination of Chinese and American female leadership in nonprofit organizations. China Media Research, 14(1), 30-41.
Chao, C., Tian, D., & Xie, M. (2016). Friendship and romantic relationship and communication in China. In G. Jian & G. Ray (Eds.), Relationships and communication in East Asian cultures: China, Japan, and Korea (pp. 41-64). Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
Other Publications
Xie, M. (2021). Social media and online accountability. Thought Leader Essay in J. H. Lipschultz, Social media law and ethics (pp.281-285). Routledge.
Xie, M. (2019). Book review of Activating China: Local actors, foreign influence, and state response. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
Xie, M. (2015). Book review of Mad men and working women. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 70(4), 436-438.

Publications in Chinese
Xie, M. (2014). The communication of Christianity in contemporary China. Beijing, China: Tuanjie Press.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Xie, M. (2015). Interpersonal communication research in the environment of localization and new media, Press Circles, 3, 40-42. DOI: 10.15897/j.cnki.cn51-1046/g2.2015.03.008.
Xie, M. (2010). Research on college students' Christian communication in contemporary China: A case study of a university fellowship in Beijing. Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities, 6, 70-74. DOI: 10.15946/j.cnki.1001-7178.2010.06.018
Xie, M. (2008). Dialogue and communication: The introduction of the first symposium of interpersonal communication. Modern Communication: Journal of Communication University of China, 3, 135-136.
Xie, M. (2006). The cultural significance of Chinese film. Civilization, special issue.
Xie, M. (2006). The French media and French government’s cultural protection policies. In F. Jiang (Ed.), Communication research: Harmony and development (pp. 268-277). Beijing: Xinhua Publishing House.
Xie, M. (2004). The world’s leading financial magazine’s successful experience. Editor’s Friends, 4, 68-70. DOI: 10.13786/j.cnki.cn14-1066/g2.2004.04.023.
Xie, M. (2004). Analysis on the importance of market orientation in the era of TV channel specialization. Forum for Graduate Students, 15, 78-82.
Fu, Y. & Xie, M. (2002). Development and success of Discovery Channel. A Vast View on Publishing, 8, 50-51.
Xie, M. (2002). Animation industry of China. Editor’s Friend, 4, 7-10. DOI: 10.13786/j.cnki.cn14-1066/g2.2002.04.003
Cui, J., & Xie, M. (2002). Characteristics and trends of fashion magazines in China. Editor’s Friend, 2, 16-19.
Other Publications
Xie, M. (2015). Hello, Atlantic Ocean! Tourists, 2 (7), 30-33.
Xie, M. (2015). Interpersonal communication research in the environment of localization and new media, China Social Science, 2015/2/4, B02.
Xie, M. (2014). The Great Wall in Beijing area. Tourists, 9 (4), 93-107.
Xie, M. (2014). The new model of group tourism. Tourists, 6 (3), 46-62.
Xie, M. (2014). The ancient village under the Great Wall. Tourists, 6 (3), 102-105.
Xie, M. (2008). 2008 News expression: social instrument of responsibility and power. Northern Weekend, December 25, 2008.